Saturday, July 5, 2014

Welcome to My Happy Birth!

“There is a secret in our culture, And it’s not that childbirth is painful, it’s that women are strong.” 
― Laurie Stavoe Harm 

I would like to welcome you and tell a little bit about myself to get started! 

  My name is Elizabeth Bernier,  I am a DONA trained Doula and am planning on furthering my education by becoming a midwife.

I believe in letting mothers decide exactly what kind of birth she wants to experience. I am a firm believer in beauty and know that each and every birth can be the most liberating, beautiful and cherished moment in your life, whatever you decide!

I believe that birth is such a sacred moment in your life as well as your child's and all who share in the moment with you.  My goals no matter what is to keep that moment sacred, free from fear, anger and pain.  I also want to include your partner as much as possible, bringing you two closer together while gaining confidence and knowledge.

Package A) $350 Includes:

~A free get to know you visit.

~ 1-2 prenatal visits~ We go over A LOT here!

~ On call via phone, text and email to answer any questions you may have.

~Support to you, your baby and partner through your whole birth and 1-2 hours after.

~Access to all my knowledge and handouts!

~ 1 postpartum visit where we discuss your birth, feelings and I do a little hand massage with essential oils.

~ Check ups via phone, text and email for 6 weeks after your birth!

~Since I have a love of art I like to do a small craft with the mother during one of the prenatals- I can't give it away but it's cute and fun :)

 I am a lover of nature, essential oils,  family and womanhood! I am excited to share my talents, knowledge, love and gentle touch with you!


I am available to travel all over Utah County and up to Salt Lake as well. Package A is $350.  I am willing to negotiate if things are tight, I want to help so please ask even if I'm not quite in your budget! 

Here is some contact information!


Hope to hear from you soon!
